
Kirby Nightmare Strike Back (part 5)

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Chapter 5

Versus Tac and Landia

-(Tiff POV)-

-Marie-Jeanne! Marie-Jeanne! I yelled, where are you Marie-Jeanne!

-M-J! M-J! Yelled Kirby.

-Marie-Jeanne! Where are you? Answer us! Yelled Tuff.

It’s been now several minute since we seek Marie-Jeanne. After she went after Tac, we completely lost her track. Breathless from shouting, we sat in the grass.

-Still nothing…Tuff groused, It’s been several minutes as we call her and still nothing…

-I know…I sighed.

-According to you where could she go?

-I have no idea…

-Poyooo…Kirby said sadly.

I get up and I put my hand on his back comfortingly.

-Don’t worry Kirby, I’m sure we’ll find her.

That’s when we heard a roar. I look around and strangely; I saw nothing unusual. My brother began to shake and pointed towards the sky.

-T-T-Tiff look u-up! He panicked.

I look up and I saw a dragon with 4 heads flying in the sky. One of its heads noticed us, and he headed straight towards us.

-Quick! Get away! I cried.

The dragon landed in front of us and we moved just in time before it crushes us. Its four pairs of eyes are fixed on Kirby and he groaned.

-Where this dragon come from!? Exclaimed Tuff.

I was unable to answer since the presence of the dragon intimidated me. It was then that I noticed that there was something on his back…no, not something…but rather someone…and that person is Tac!

-It’s Tac! What is he doing here!? I wondered, Marie-Jeanne was chasing him! So if he is there, what could have…

I was pulled out of my thought by a motor noise. The king’s car stopped just beside the monster and Dedede got up to watch us.

-Not bad isn’t? He said, It’s my new monster! His name is Landia.

-Dedede! What did you do with our friend! I asked curtly.

The king and his sidekick laughed.

-Don’t worry about her, the king offered her a wonderful stay in the dungeon! Said Escargoon.

-And as a thank to my generosity she gave me some trick to get rid of Kirby!

-That’s nonsense! Marie-Jeanne would never do such a thing!

-Let’s see about that…Landia, attack!

Landia roared and flapped its wings. This created a gust of wind that hurled us in the air. Kirby was separated from my brother and me. Once we fell on the ground, we all got up and Kirby was immediately attacked by fireballs. Our pink friend panicked and fled at full speed, dodging the fireballs throw by the dragon.

-Come on Kirby! Dodge them! Exclaimed Tuff.

Kirby dodged the attacks as the best he can but he inevitably ends up getting hit. The fireball exploded and Kirby was thrown a few meters away. Landia took of and headed for Kirby.

-Tiff! Called out my brother.

-Right! KABU SEND THE WARP STAR! I shouted.

-WHAT!? Exclaimed King Dedede and Escargoon.

Kirby continued to dodge de fireball when the Warp Star arrived. After dodging another attack, he jumped on his star and headed towards the dragon.

-It…it came back!? B-b-but how…!? Exclaimed Escargoon, shocked.

-Grrr whatever! Landia! Don’t let yourself get by this runt! Yelled King Dedede.

Landia launched a new wave of fireball.

-Kirby! Suck them! I ordered.

Kirby nodded and he inhaled the fireballs. He turned into «Fire Kirby».

-Yeah Awesome! It’s «Fire Kirby»! Exclaimed Tuff.

Kirby spat fire on Landia. Landia also spat fire and the two flame jets collided. Flames jet are opposing to each other and trying to push the opposing jet. Kirby flames began to gain more and more ground until they finally hit the dragon. The flames exploded and Landia screamed in pain. King Dedede gritted his teeth.

-Tac, it’s your turn! He yelled.  

Landia rushed on Kirby again. He dodged again, but at the same time, Tac jumped from the back of the monster and jumped on Kirby. He slapped Kirby and to my surprise, the slap made him lose his ability! His hat was transformed into a small star that Tac grabbed and tucked in his bag. Our eyes widened.

-Tiff! Kirby has lost his ability!!! Exclaimed Tuff.    

-How can this be possible!? I exclaimed, shocked.

-Look like she has not lied to you, sir, Said Escargoon to King Dedede.

Tac threw himself into the void and was immediately caught by Landia. He climbed on its back and Landia threw fireballs at Kirby. The sphere of fire touched him and made him fall from its Warp Star. Landia rushed at him and struck him with its tail, sending him crashing to the ground. We ran to him.

-Kirby! Are you okay!? Asked Tuff.

-Poyoooooo…he moaned in pain.

He rose. The Warp Star arrived right next to Kirby.

-Come on Kirby, I know you can do it! I encouraged him, sucks its attacks again!

-It’s useless…


We turned and saw Meta Knight.

-Meta Knight! I exclaimed.

-Tac has the power to rob Kirby abilities. No matter how many time Kirby will try to transform, his ability will be taken away by the enemy, he explained.

-But if Kirby does not transform, how can he defeat the monster?

-Unfortunately, I do not know the answer…

Meanwhile, Kirby was back on the Warp Star and faced Landia.

-Oh Kirby…I thought, how are we going to do this?

-(Normal POV)-

Still trapped in the dungeon, I lean against the wall and I buried my head in my lap. Tears flow down my cheeks.

-It’s all my fault, I lamented, It’s all my fault…Kirby will be killed and I can not do anything for him…

That’s when I heard the cell door open. I raise my head and I saw a Waddle Dee with a spear and a keyring coming towards me. I quickly dried my tears and I tilted my head.

-A Waddle Dee? What are you doing here?

He just looks at me. That’s when I remember…

-Are you the Waddle Dee from the other day?

He nodded.

-You came here to help me?

He nodded again and he cut the ropes tying my wrists with his spear. He passed me the keyring and I could unlock the chains around my neck. Once released, I took the Waddle Dee in my arm and I kiss him on the forehead.

-Thanks buddy.

He blushed and I put him on the ground.

-If you came to help me, does that mean you give up serving the king to put you in my service? I asked.

He nodded vigorously. I laughed at his energy.

-Very well. In this case, I’ll have to find you a name and a way to differentiate yourself from the other Waddle Dee.

I got out of my pocket a small blue bandana and I tie it on his head.

-I baptize you Bandana Dee, or Ban for short. Are you okay with that?

He jumps for joys. Now that that’s done, it’s time to fix my mistakes and help Kirby.

-Ban, I need you to guide me to the outside of the castle. We have to help Kirby asap!

He nodded and beckoned me to follow him. We left the cell and Bob guided me through the castle. One thought crossed my mind.

-Hold on Kirby, I’m coming.

-(Tiff POV)-

Things are bad. Things are really, really bad. Kirby is currently being massacred by Landia! And whenever Kirby sucks one of its attack and transform, Tac step in and steals his ability. Tears come to my eyes. I’d love to help him but I don’t know how. Kirby dodged the fireballs of the dragon but was hit by the latter. He fell from the Warp Star and crashed on the ground. Kirby tried to get up but could not.

-Kirby! I yelled desperately.

-What’s the matter Kirby, already out of breath? Mocked the king.

He turned towards his monster.

-Enough playing. Finish him! He ordered.

Landia landed on the ground and walked towards Kirby. It stood in front of him and prepared to spit fireballs. Unable to bear the sight, I hurried towards him.

-KIRBY! I yelled.

-Tiff no it’s too dangerous! Cried Tuff.

I stand protectively in front of Kirby and I close my eyes. Waiting for the fatal blow.

-Tiff! Kirby! Yelled a familiar voice, Ban, made it go away!

I opened my eyes and I saw Landia screaming in pain. It flew away and that’s when I saw that behind it, stood Marie-Jeanne and a Waddle Dee with a blue bandana.

-(Normal POV)-

Ban planted his spear in the tail of Landia. It cried out of pain and flew. I sigh of relief. One more minute and it was the end of my darling pink ball! Tiff and Kirby saw me and their eyes lit up with joy.

-Marie-Jeanne! Exclaimed Tiff.

-M-J! Exclaimed Kirby.

-You!? How did you escape!? Exclaimed furiously King Dedede.

I rush to my friend and I take them in my arms.

-I’m so happy to see you, said Tiff, on the verge of tears.

-Me too Tiff, me too…

I look up and I look at the dragon and the thief on its back.

-Tac and Landia huh? What a team! I exclaimed.

Tiff looks at me with a confused look. I smirked.

-But if they are a team…I do not see why Kirby could not be also in a team.

-You have a plan? She asked.

-Of course I have!

I looked at Kirby and Bandana Dee.

-Kirby, it’s time to get back on the Warp Star. Ban, attends him. Go towards Landia but do not attack it. Your target his Tac. You understand?

They nodded with a determined look.

-Then let’s go!

Kirby went up on the Warp Star and helped Ban to ride with him. The two of them flew towards Landia.

-It will not happen like that! Landia, exterminate them! Ordered the king.

-Kirby! Suck the fireballs! I ordered.

-Marie-Jeanne wait, it will not work! Said Tiff, the minute Kirby will transform, Tac will steal his ability!

-Do you trust me Tiff? I asked.

-Yes but…

-Then trust me and observe.

She wanted to object but she stays silent. Landia threw fireballs at Kirby and Bandana Dee. Kirby inhaled them and turned into «Fire Kirby».

-Tac, you know what to do! Yelled King Dedede.

-Ban, get ready! I yelled.

Tac jumped off Landia’s back and jumped on Kirby. He slapped the pink ball and made him lose his ability.

-NOW! I shouted.

When Kirby lost his ability, Ban attacked with his spear and pierced Tac with it. The little ninja monster died; and exploded in a puff of smoke. I raise my fist in the air.


-I cannot believe it, it worked! Exclaimed Tuff.

-Your majesty, I think your plan is starts to fall overboard.

King Dedede hit Escargoon.

-The fight is not over yet! I still have my most powerful monster! He said.

The bag Tac was carrying with him fell and its contents spilled on the floor. I took the opportunity to get my bag back. After regaining my belongings, I saw small red stars on the floor. I take one and I realize that it looks like two drops of water to those I have made. Is it possible that my skill stars work in this world? Without hesitation, I pull out my pouch and I dig a green star.

-Kirby! Take this! I yelled, throwing the star.

It went towards Kirby and he sucked it. He turned into «Leaf Kirby». A smile appeared on my lips: they work!

-Awesome! A new transformation! Exclaimed Tuff.

-Meta Knight, what is this new ability? Asked Tiff.

-It is «Leaf Kirby», Meta Knight and myself answered simultaneously.

-«Leaf Kirby»?

-«Leaf Kirby» grants Kirby the power to control leaves. The leaves he creates are extremely sharp and can overcome any enemies, explained Meta Knight.

Kirby spins around himself and created a huge leaf tornado. Tiff, Tuff, Meta Knight and I moved back to avoid being drawn into the storm. Landia flapped furiously its wings to avoid ending up in the tornado but it failed. The king’s car began to shake and slowly went to the tornado.

-We will be sucked into the tornado! Hurry up and get us out of here! Yelled the king.

Escargoon leaned with all his strength on the reverse gear, but the vehicle still advances toward the leaf storm.

-What are you doing you fool! Move back!

-But I do what I can sir! Protested Escargoon.

The car becomes trapped inside the tornado. The swirled inside the storm for several minute before their car collided with Landia. The impact made the vehicle explode, sending King Dedede and Escargoon kilometers away, and knocked Landia. The dragon crashed on the ground and Kirby dissipated the leaf tornado. Tiff and Tuff jumped in joy.

-Hooray Kirby won! They happily exclaimed.

Kirby spat the star and turned back into normal. The Warp Star landed, allowing Kirby and Bandana Dee to disembark. The star flew to Kabu Canyon and I took the two little creatures in my arms.

-You were fantastic! I said.

 They gave me a hug and I gave them a hug in return. That’s when my eyes fell on the unconscious form of Landia. A detail catches my eyes: The Master Crown (The crown Landia wears) is supposed to be gold with a blue gem. So why it is platinum with a red gem? I put Kirby and Ban on the ground and head to the dragon. I removed the crown from its head and I inspected it.

-The appearance is the same…why the color is not? I wondered.

-Watch out! Yelled Meta Knight.

Black mist appeared around the crown and it began to climb on my arms. I let out a cry of terror. Meta Knight ran over me and cut the crown in half with his sword. The mist withdrew immediately after the destruction of the accessory. The others rushed towards me.

-Marie-Jeanne, are you okay!? Asked Tiff.


I look at the destroyed crown.

-What is this crown?

-This object is a creation of Nightmare Enterprise. The wearer is granted immense power, but in return, he finds himself under the control of N.M.E. Explained Meta Knight.

-So Landia was controlled by N.M.E? Said Tiff, pointing the dragon.


Suddenly, Landia’s body began to glow and split into 4 identical dragons. They were similar to their fused form, but without the arrowhead at the end of the tail and the number of horn which rose to two for everyone. They grunted and opened their eyes (which also became blue). I reach out to the one in front of me and lay my hand on its snout.

-Hello there~ I cooed.

He rubbed against my hand and he sticks to me like a puppy. Kirby and Tuff followed my lead and approached the other dragons to pet them. They even managed to get on their back!

-Yahoo that’s so cool, I’m on a dragon! Exclaimed Tuff.


-They are separated into 4!? But how? Exclaimed Tiff, speechless.

-They were always 4, I explained, Landia was responsible for protecting a crown called Master Crown, who is the source of limitless power. They merge together when wearing the crown.

-This platinum crown was not the real one is not it? So where is the original?

-I fear it is already in the hands of our enemies, answered Meta Knight.

I froze at that. I turn to Meta Knight with a shocked look.

-Oh no…don’ tell me that…

-What? What’s the matter? Asked Tiff.

-N.M.E have the Master Crown…

Chapter 5 :D

Also, This fanfic is translated from French to English by me...and Google. So sorry if my English is bad Sweating a little...
Anyway, if you like the story, don't forget to comment and +fav 

Enjoy reading! (^0^)

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